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The prayer gathering that changed the world

Writer's picture: Joey HancockJoey Hancock

Do you ever hear these words in church - "We want to see revival?" Have you ever said those words? I know I have. Do you ever say those words without giving much thought to what they actually mean? Again, I have. I would 100% love to see revival happen in our town, but, what needs to happen for that?

Did you know that every major revival in history is preceded by a prayer gathering? The Welsh Revival being one prominent example to take place in the last 120 years.

Revival comes in all shapes and sizes but is always characterised as an unexplainable move of God, usually in answer to fervent prayers. So, you've read the title and if you attended last Sunday's prayer gathering, you may be aware of the prayer gathering I am about to mention.

In 1727, the Moravian prayer movement on Hernnhut, Saxony in Germany began an around-the-clock prayer watch that lasted for more than 100 years. Yes, you read that right. 100 years. There was a consistent form of prayer in the small town of Hernnhut throughout that time which, in retrospect, went on to change the world.

Why do I categorise this as a revival? In the space of those 100 years, the Moravian Church under Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf (definitely worth reading about him) sent out over 360 missionaries to the furthest reaching places in the world to spread the Gospel. They weren't sent out with a salary, security or compensation, but, with a conviction to share the good news to those yet to be reached. To places like the West Indies, North American Indians, Greenland and so many more. These people didn't set out to be 'career Christians,' if anything it was the opposite. They were given a small amount of money to cover their initial travel cost and then they would work everyday and transform communities from within. Who knows, maybe our faith wouldn't be what it is today if these pilgrims never set out.

Christianity in the western world was radically changed because of this small prayer gathering in Hernnhut. Prayer is the route to God. It is without a doubt the most important discipline in our lives. It's a simple fact that the more time we spend in prayer the closer we come to God. We are also encouraged to pray together, for when two or more are gathered God is present (Matt 18:20).

Church family, I found myself challenged this week in our weekly prayer gathering. I know the heart of our church is to seek renewal in our community and revival throughout our borders. I felt an overwhelming sense of challenge to challenge you and myself:

If we want to see revival begin in our communities, then we need to pray together.

If you're one of those people, like me, who says - "we want to see revival" - then click the link to the Prayer Gathering this Sunday because Prayer will always precede revival.



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