Mens and Womens Ministry
Womens Ministry
A Ladies Bible Study day time group runs weekly during term time where we gather around God’s word. Ladies from outside the church attend as well as from HT. (The crèche area is available for those who have small children.) This group is on Thursday's at 10:15am and runs biweekly.
A Ladies Evening Bible Study runs on Tuesday's at 7:30pm. This group will run biweekly on an alternate week to the day time group. If you'd like to join the evening bible study group, please let Paula know.

Our Men's ministry meets every month creating a safe place for the men of the church to fellowship, to deeper friendships and support each other in life.
Our monthly breakfast, held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9-11am, is the cornerstone of this ministry. But we also host additional events throughout the year.
These events always include food and usually include some games or activity. We also like to host guest speakers on occasion and aim for our meet ups to be a place where non-Church friends can be invited to and come along to.
To find out more send us a message to email@htweston.co.uk or ask to chat to James Wigmore or James Garner when you are next in church.